From Mary's Dominion,
we are a
family of disciples, in order to
convert ourselves
and to build
our lives
upon the Gospel
Marian Centre
The Movement of the Word of God organized in July 1995, a Marian retreat, its principal subject being the Alliance of Mary. As fruit of that retreat, the creation of a Marian Centre "Ark of the New Covenant", and the edition of a Leaf of Mary were announced at that time. The Marian Centre "Ark of the New Covenant" presents the image of Mary, Mother of the Word of God and Guardian of our faith, which is the fruit of spiritual discernment. It has the colours of the Guardian of the faith, and the ribbon of the Immaculate Conception. She appears full of the Holy Spirit and with the rosary round her neck, as she has often asked people to wear it, as sign of protection. She is showing her mission: "Do whatever Jesus tells you" (Jn 2:5).