«The Holy Spirit
has given rise
in our time
to new expressions of consecrated life, which appear
as a providential response
to the new needs encountered by
the Church today
as she carries out her mission
in the world»
(VC 10)

«By their
very existence,
they contribute
to the new evangelization, inasmuch as
they disclose
in a concrete way
the fruitfulness
of the new commandment»
(VC 45)

Nazaret, Community of the Word of God

In 1975 the first calls to a lay consecration arose from the "youth prayer groups" with a modality adapted to the experience that they had lived. A vocational group, prevalently feminine, who felt a call to lay and communitarian consecration, started meeting. This new form of consecrated life bear witness to the constant attraction which the total gift of self to the Lord, the ideal of the apostolic community and the founding charisms continue to exert, even on the present generation (cf. VC 12).

Thus two consecrated branches arose: one masculine, of priests and laymen, and the other feminine.

Nazaret is love nourished by the Word of God, celebrated in the Eucharist and become mission in the testimony, out of the power of faith. The nazarenes have consecrated themselves to God through the public profession of the evangelical counsels in accordance with the charism of the Work and in a stable form of common life, for the sake of carrying out different forms of apostolic service to the People of God.

Nazaret now has 122 priests and lay consecrated. Today it continues being a way to be opened, providence to trust in, necessity, generosity and risk, challenge to the world from the Gospel and surrendering through the Spirit to the Covenant of the Master's commandment.

«The whole Church greatly depends on the witness of communities filled with joy and with the Holy Spirit (…) By their very existence, they contribute to the new evangelization, inasmuch as they disclose in a concrete way the fruitfulness of the new commandment» (VC 45).

Nazaret Masculine Branch

«The Church needs the spiritual and apostolic contribution of a renewed and revitalized consecrated life» (VC 13). The members of Nazaret of the Word of God, consecrate forever to live the Gospel in obedience, chastity, poverty and in the brotherly alliance of Jesus' commmandment, in the Community of Nazaret and according to the Right of Life of The Movement of the Word of God.

The first community of Masculine Nazaret was constituted in Buenos Aires in July 1977, and the first Nazarene priests were ordained in Quilmes, in December 1984, by Father Bishop Jorge Novak.

Currently there are 40 Nazarenes of which 25 make up the 6 communities. The members are priests or consecrated laymen who:

• Collaborate in the task of evangelizing the world.

• Live on their work and administer their belongings from charity and discernment.

• Offer the availability of their time for the service of the Work, according to their gifts, aptitudes or professional formation.

Nazaret Feminine Branch

«The consecrated life inspires and accompanies the spread of evangelization in the different parts of the world» (VC 2). The first community of Feminine Nazaret was constituted in Buenos Aires on February 25th 1980. Today there are 15 communities: Cordoba, Buenos Aires, Devoto, Quilmes, Wilde, Rosario, Parana, San Juan, Quito, Asuncion, Lima, Cuesta Blanca, Salto, Mariano and Tristan Suarez. While they belong completely to God and are thus fully consecrated to his service, their activity in the ordinary life of the world contributes, by the power of the Spirit, to shedding the light of the Gospel on temporal realities. Currently there are 57 Nazarene, members of communities, and others are in formation.

They are consecrated laywomen who:

• Try to live the presence of Jesus in the Mutual Love of his new commandment.

• Live on their work and administer their belongings from charity and discernment.

• Offer the availability of their time for the service of the Work, according to their gifts, aptitudes or professional formation.

• Collaborate in the task of evangelizing the world.

See also:

 Vita Consecrata , apostolic exhortation of John Paul II, on the consecrated life and its mission in the Church and in the world (March 1996).
 The service of authority and obedience , instruction of the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life (May 2008).
 Perfectae Caritatis , Decree onf Paul VI, on the adaptation and renewal of religious life (October 1965).