The aim is
to develop a model of "communitarian and evangelizing Parish" with diversity of charisms

The Parochial Branch

«Renewal of parishes at the outset of the third millennium requires reformulating its structures so that it may be a network of communities and groups, capable of being linked to one another, so that their members feel like and really are disciples and missionaries of Jesus Christ in communion» (Document of Aparecida, 172).

Masculine Nazaret communities are serving the parishes of Santa Lucia in Florencio Varela (Diocese of Quilmes), Santisima Trinidad (Archdiocese of Cordoba), and San Jose Obrero (Archdiocese of Mendoza), Argentina. They are brewing a Parochial Branch meant to collaborate with the Church in the attention of parishes. It seeks to make the parish a "missionary community of missionary communities inserted among families and peoples", developing a model of "communitarian and evangelizing parish" with diversity of charisms, through a project of parochial animation from the Movement called NEPC (New Evangelization Parishly Channeled).

 Santa Lucia 

 Santisima Trinidad 

 St. Joseph the Worker 

Some of the fundamental features of the project are:

• To develop a communitarian pastoral structure, of formation and service, favoring the development of the pastoral gifts in the laity. • To provoke the experience of the living God, under the impulse of the Holy Spirit and the Word of God as lifestyle, expressed in the life of small communities gathering around the Word of God, life sharing and communitarian spontaneous prayer that evangelizes the person. • To generate a permanent missionary and work attitude in all members of the community.

See also:

 Building a missionary Parish , P. Jose Maria Aguirre MSF, Cristo Vive Aleluia! 112, page 6 (may 1998).