In Ecuador we are in Quito

Nazaret Femenino en Quito

In Ecuador

The first pastoral trip of The Movement of the Word of God to Ecuador took place in May 1995. By grace of God, a bond was established with the Marian movement Guardian of Faith. Several brothers from this country participated of two Easter retreats in Argentina. Some groups of the Movement started meeting in Quito. Mgr. Julio Teran Dutari, former auxiliary bishop in Quito, paid an eight-day visit to the Movement in Cordoba and Buenos Aires cities. Some time later he was named as adviser to the Movement, by the present Cardinal Archbishop of Quito, Mgr. Antonio Gonzalez.

In March 1999, a Missionary Associated Community settled down in Quito; it consists of three consecrated laywomen, and a family.

At present this Pastoral Center is made up of 136 people who meet in 11 communitarian groups: 4 groups of adults, 4 of middle age and 3 youth groups. Besides other pastoral realities are addressed: 1 group of Communitarian Process for Confirmation, 1 group of Crecimiento en la Fe, and some missionary seeds in cities of Guayaquil, Pedro Carbo and Ibarra.

In the Easter Retreat 2011 of Quito attended 250 brothers and sisters, including 11 from Ibarra and 10 from Cuenca. And in Guayaquil attended 50 people.